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For the NFC-vCards

Welcome to our NFC vCard FAQ page! Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions about the functionality, security features, and personalisation options of our innovative digital business card.

Whether you’re interested in how it works, its security aspects, or ways to personalise it – we’ve got you covered with all the key information. Use this resource to make the most of your NFC vCard.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the contact form. We’re here to help!

Allgemeine Fragen

Fragen zum Profil

Fragen zum Account

Fragen zum Businessaccount

Fragen zum Datenschutz

Do you have technical questions or questions about data protection? Please feel free to contact us!

+49 (0)208 607 04 20 kontakt@nfc21.de

trust in nfc-vcard